Home-made playdough recipe & an invitation to play

Alicia fell sick over the weekend so she had to miss school today. To cheer her up, I decided to try something different with her and we made playdough! I was really quite apprehensive as even though I’ve been reading quite a bit about making playdough, it was a different thing trying to put the act together.

Nevertheless, I’m very glad that the recipe I worked with worked well, with some impromptu alterations as I made the playdoh (printable recipe below).

home-made playdough recipe

I’ve received some queries about the playdough recipe I used on my Facebook page, so here it is! I adapted the no-cook playdough recipe from the queen of play dough – The Imagination Tree.

Home-made Playdough
Recipe adapted from The Imagination Tree
  • 2.5-3 cups plain flour (the original recipe called for 2 cups but I've used more and so have my readers who tried so I've edited this to reflect the changes made)
  • ½ cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • up to 2 cups boiling water
  • food colouring (I worked with only red, blue and yellow)
  • glycerin (optional, for extra shine - I didn't use it this time)
  • glitter (optional)
  1. Mix the ingredients together (except water and food colouring)
  2. Pour in the boiling water. Don't pour 2 cups in immediately. Adjust as you go along.
  3. Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky dough.
  4. Let it cool down a bit then knead it vigorously for a few minutes until the texture is that of playdoh.
  5. If it's still sticky, add a bit more flour and knead again. Adjust accordingly.
  6. Separate the dough into as many balls (I made 8) as you wish to colour using the food colouring.
  7. Add the food colouring to individual balls then knead in the colour till the dough is of a solid colour.
  8. Play!!!!

home-made playdough recipe

home-made playdough recipe


Note: I didn’t scent or add glitter etc. to the dough this time as it’s my first attempt at making playdough and I wanted Alex to play with it too. I’m too paranoid that he’d eat the glitter etc. but I did so when I made Christmas playdough

View the playdoh mats printables list I collated.

Other sensory play activities:


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6 Responses to Home-made playdough recipe & an invitation to play

  1. MamaJ says:

    I love how vibrant the colours look! Am planning to make some this week actually, thanks for sharing and reminding me to get going! 🙂 And I just realized that our kids are about the same age, mine are 9 months, and 3.5 years!

  2. Adora says:

    The colours are gorgeous! And the ice creams! How cute!! I tried once but only made a blue snowman haha.

    I used a different recipe (no boiling, no cream of tartare), and it all rotted in a couple of weeks in an air tight container. Be warned, it might happen to yours too!!

  3. Adeline Oon says:

    Clever! and its safe for baby! 🙂

  4. Angie says:

    Thanks MamaJ! Yes, their ages are really close! 🙂

  5. Angie says:

    Adora, mine is also a no-cook dough… but I've placed them in an air-tight container in the fridge recently as I read that that helps to increase shelf life… hope they dun rot on me.. 🙂

  6. Angie says:

    Thanks Adeline! Yes, now with little baby around, I try to baby-proof the toys too! haha…

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