Ginger honey drink is often used as a home remedy for colds and ridding phelgm! It can’t get simpler than this! I find this particularly comforting when I’m feeling under the weather and I’d usually make more – like a whole pot of it – so that I can drink this throughout the day.
Ginger Honey drink
- 4 slices ginger (bruised)
- honey to taste
- 1 cup water (240ml)
- Place ginger in water and bring to boil in a small saucepan. Let it steep (covered) for 10-15min.
- When the water is cool, add honey to taste (high temperatures negate the benefits of honey).
- Sieve out the ginger.
- For a stronger ginger taste, you may want to extract the juice from the ginger after sieving out the slices.
Click the link for the complete list of drink recipes (with thumbnails) on the blog.
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