Baby Panda Finds His Way is a complete hit with the panda-crazy boy I have at home (who’s ever heard of a boy who insists on the same panda cake for every birthday celebration?). Well, apart from bringing him to the River Safari to get his dose of pandas, getting panda-themed books works very well too (and is much more economical!).
It helps that the story of Baby Panda Finds His Way is engaging and something that he can relate to, considering the fact that he’s got his own ideas now and sometimes can be quite insistent on his ways.
Baby Panda has little respect for others and doesn’t even respect his food (he plays with his bamboo and even does kungfu with it). He has little regard for what others have to say, even if it’s wise words of wisdom and he was too proud to admit that he needed help when he was lost. Not telling you what happened in between, but just know that Baby Panda eventually learned his lesson. It’s a good read, as with Emily Lim’s other books. 😀
Year-end Pop-Up E-Bookstore Promotion
This year-end, I’m hosting a limited period book sale of author Emily Lim’s award-winning titles on the blog because I’m such a fan! These make perfect Christmas presents for children! You can read my earlier reviews of her books by clicking on the links. Get a FREE copy of Baby Panda Finds His Way book for purchases of $50 and up (only for the first 15 purchases of $50 and above)!
Prince Bear & Pauper Bear and The Tale of Rusty Horse
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