This is going to be a long post – it has been a long journey after all, but I hope you’ll stay around to read it. It wasn’t easy for me to re-live everything again in my mind to write this post.
I breastfed my daughter for 47 months, and I’m still breastfeeding my almost 2.5 year old boy.
I haven’t stopped breastfeeding for a single day since my daughter was born in July 2008.

My tiny little girl in the first week
I hear you. I must have a screw loose somewhere for wanting to breastfeed for so long. For not wanting my boobs back to me, myself and I.
But I never really set out or intended to breastfeed for this long. I never intended to go on a marathon. I’m not breastfeeding for this long because I’m trying to prove that my boobs are all-powerful or better than others for that matter. And I’m not saying that breastfeeding this long is necessarily suitable or feasible for everyone.
I’m still in this breastfeeding gig for almost 6 years because… breastfeeding is fulfilling, for me and my children.
I must have had it easy No blocked ducts, swollen, cracked and bleeding nipples, a baby with a good latch, powerful suckle, and topped with lots of emotional support.
Honestly, I wish that was truly the case. Sometimes, I half-suspect the reason why I love breastfeeding so much is simply because I had such a difficult time in the beginning.
I had a prolonged labour of 3D2N and eventually I had to go for emergency c-section. Half knocked out by epidural, I was almost delirious. But I remembered distinctly asking someone in the resting room after the operation if I could breastfeed my baby. I had gone for antenatal classes and had read up so much about breastfeeding. I knew that I had to capture the golden moment. But that moment, I don’t know, never really arrived.
I was told by that person, that because of the anesthesia used, I couldn’t breastfeed my baby. In my weak physical state, I couldn’t probe further and I remember I felt light-headed and nauseous, but all the time wondering why I couldn’t breastfeed when I had been taught otherwise.
Because I had given birth in the late evening, it wasn’t until the very next morning at 7am that the Lactation Consultant came over. And much to my gynae’s horror, she found out that I had been given the wrong information by the person in the resting room and told me that I could have breastfed! So much time wasted when I could have started to breastfeed through the night. Much of the hospital stay after that revolved around people coming to ask me to identify who that person was.
Anyway, thereafter, my nightmare started. All I had envisioned – the perfect latch, the natural sucker – didn’t happen.
My daughter couldn’t latch. She would cry her lungs out, cry herself purple as she fought at the breast. We tried so many positions, but the end result was always the same. She gave me sore, cracked nipples and unimaginable pain. After a week, my nipples didn’t resemble anything like nipples anymore. I even forgot how nipples were supposed to look like. I attempted, in my desperation, to google ‘how do nipples look like’. You know, normal nipples that haven’t been gummed on, tugged and mangled by both baby and the breast pump.
That was nothing like what I had learnt about breastfeeding.
It was supposed to be natural. It was supposed to be fulfilling. It was supposed to bond us.
The one question in my mind that drove me insane was ‘WHY?’
Why me? Why couldn’t I breastfeed like everyone else? Why couldn’t my baby latch on like all other babies that I knew?
And it certainly didn’t help that my mother-in-law stood there watching me during each breastfeeding session with my boobs hanging out (I hadn’t mastered latching so to keep anything that could potentially cause me to fail, I went completely topless), sweating buckets (from the pressure of being watched, from fighting to keep my daughter in place at the boob), and asking the question that I had been asking myself 24/7. WHY? Why is she crying? Why can’t you get her to drink from your breast? Why?
It was the darkest period of my life. I felt like a complete failure. I felt that I was abnormal. I felt like a lousy mother. I felt like a zoo exhibit, being watched, scrutinised and criticised.
In the midst of all that pain (from both the c-section wound, the mutilated nipples and the engorgement), the crying and the questions, I became an exclusively breastfeeding-pumping mom. I would pump every 2-2.5 hours religiously to make it for the 3-hourly feeds. And because I pumped for every feed, and did all the feeding, burping (I had to hold her for 15-30minutes after each feed if not she’d regurgitate quite a bit of milk) washing and sterilising the equipment on my own for most of the time (I didn’t hire a confinement nanny, and apart from myself, only my hubby could be trusted to get the equipment clean after each session), that left me about a grand total of less than an hour sleep each time. And I hardly could catch any rest because I would jump out of bed to check on my girl if she stirred or made a sound. #woesofafirsttimemom
In short, I was a walking zombie.

Hubby helping to bottle feed with expressed breast milk after work
My mum told me to stop breastfeeding if I couldn’t handle it. I grew up on formula and I’m perfectly fine. I told her I was fine and told her to leave me alone. Of course I wasn’t fine. And I think everyone else knew I wasn’t either (maybe with the exception of my mother-in-law who continued to hound me with questions). But I wasn’t going to give up without a fight. I applied nipple cream, and my breast milk to my nipples, and my hubby even helped to cut holes in t-shirts for my boobs to hang out at some times of the day because they were so painful being in contact with fabric. We couldn’t help the part that they were painful just being in contact with air so he did what he could.
Before my nipples could recover, I suffered from another type of pain. Sharp shooting pain. I thought it was natural. It isn’t – and I refused to admit that my rock-hard boobs were a sign of blocked ducts and not just plentiful supply. Eventually, I called and made an appointment with a lactation consultant to check out the pain and I realised that the pain while clearing those blocked ducts gave pain a whole new meaning. After my tears flowed down my cheeks as much and as fast as my milk did into the bottle (that’s the description my hubby gave of the situation), the lactation consultant taught me to latch again. This time, I succeeded. Finally! But that initial success was short-lived and when I reached home from the hospital and tried to latch her again, I met with the same resistance. But I never gave up my dream of having a baby suckling at my breast.
Each time I wanted to try latching, I would shut my room door (yup, I got bolder and stood up for myself, my privacy and my boobs even if no one else would). I would ignore the irritating and persistent questions outside my room door and concentrate hard on the latching. Eventually when my daughter was 5-6 weeks old, she got a hang of the latching and she would rather starve than drink from that thing she used to love. The thing called a bottle.

Happily latching after a few weeks of the initial success. Goodbye, Bottle! I’ll never use you again!
To cut the long story short, I emerged from the pain and depression, a stronger person. The one thing I’m truly thankful for – in that turbulent time, where I was always in two minds whether or not to give up, while I cried uncontrollably just thinking about giving up while holding my daughter, my husband always respected my decision. Of course he couldn’t bear to watch me in such pain and depression, but he knew I had to make this decision myself. I’m thankful that he walked me through those dark days, never once suggesting anything counter to what this crazy woman insisted. What still sticks most in my memory is this one thing that my close friend said to me when I was depressed – Your baby needs a happy mother to thrive, not a breastfeeding mother.
Due to all the obstacles I faced in the beginning, you can understand why I hold breastfeeding dear to me. It wasn’t an easy journey and so I decided that I’d let my children self-wean.
Even when I got unexpectedly pregnant, and she didn’t want to wean, I read up on tandem breastfeeding and went ahead with the decision to continue breastfeeding through pregnancy as I had no previous complications, but I limited breastfeeding sessions to short sessions so that it’d be comfortable for me and still satisfying for her.
Eventually the best gift that my daughter gave to her brother was an immediate abundant supply of milk the moment he was born. I couldn’t wait to latch him this time and made sure that I got to feed him as soon as possible. I also couldn’t wait to try out the tandem breastfeeding positions that I had spent so much time reading about prior to delivery.

Tandem breastfeeding at the hospital
Everything worked out pretty well except that I still got cut nipples due to improper latching due to bad positioning of my daughter in my eagerness to get both to my breasts. And even though he was hospitalised for jaundice, I continued to tandem nurse as we all managed to room in together.

Though he was diagnosed with breast milk jaundice, I was given the go-ahead to continue to breastfeed – and to feed more frequently during phototherapy

Neck? What’s that?
I produced milk enough for two, and never shortchanged him in any way, as you can see from his chubbiness. In fact, I had so much milk, I never had to cook any green papaya fish soup this time round to boost supply.
I continued to tandem feed for 9 months before my daughter eventually self-weaned, 3 weeks prior to her 4th birthday (i.e. 47 months). So that about sums up my breastfeeding journey with my firstborn. Though tandem breastfeeding has ended, my breastfeeding journey hasn’t ended, and yes, I’m letting him self-wean too.
I just want to finally add that it doesn’t matter whether or not you manage to breastfeed in the end, or how long you kept it up – and don’t judge me because I’ve been on this road longer either, unless I’m breastfeeding a teen. ๐ Everyone is placed in unique circumstances and everyone’s different. But we have one thing in common for sure – we all love our kids, breastfed or not!
Tomorrow Sarah will be sharing her breastfeeding story. Sarah is not just a Wonder Milkmaid. She is also Teacher, Writer, Storyteller and Play Advocate. Being Wife and Mummy are her two favourite roles because she gets to be Little Miss Do-It-All. Join her tomorrow on The Playful Parents as she regales her milking journey that has gone past the 4-year mark without having her udders dust the floor, not yet anyway.
This post is part of a Blog Train hosted by Madeline at MadPsychMum. Head on over to read the other breastfeeding stories byย Singapore Mom Bloggers!
If you enjoyed this post, please share your thoughts in the comments or share the post with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons below. Do hop over to my Facebook page where I connect with my readers and I would love to have you following me on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram too ๐
Wow that’s quite a journey! Admire your persistence!
I suffered from cracked nipples with my girl because I didn’t know how to latch her. Later with my boy, it was much better. It really gets better with experience. Thanks for sharing and linking up! ๐
Thanks Madeline for initiating this blog train! Though it wasn’t easy writing this post, I’m encouraged that it has already touched breastfeeding moms out there.
Thanks for sharing your story Angie! Was so encouraged to read about how you hung on even through all the difficulties, and even asked to feed after such a long labour! I also had loads of problems during the first month or so due to the boy’s shallow latch, so I can understand the pain. So glad your journey is continuing so well! ๐
Jus recently posted…Why I breastfed for 33 months (or why breastfeeding is like running)
Thanks Jus! You’re amazing – and even my mom says so! ๐
I didnt get the chance to tandem feed.. tks to my MIL stopping me from bf-ing my first bb due to high hyper thyroidism level.. when #2 came, I am determine and I turn a deaf ear to anyone that throws me a wet blanket.. but when he start on semi solid at 6mths.. he self weaned and prefers the spoon.. after almost 5years.. I’m back to bf-ing.. n new challenges of pumping at work..
Angie, I will keep ur success story in mind.. and hopefully I can bf (latch or pump) as long as #3 wants…
Hi Joss, yes, it’s a challenge to continue the breastfeeding journey after returning to work. Salute all working moms who decide to continue despite the difficulties!
Awesome mommy u made it and is still going strong! I’m still bf my 14mo (only!) and hope to let bb self wean too!
Thanks Jerelyn! Jia you!!
Thank you for sharing such a touching post about your journey with breastfeeding. I am glad you continued to breastfeed for so long even though you had so many challenges (not to mention comments!).
Agy recently posted…A Sewists Flow
Haha… yes, the unwanted comments and questions were really quite draining emotionally.
Amazing, Angeline! Always nice to hear of mums that fought to stick on and breastfeed. You’re a role model! Although I’m quite looking forward to almost 2-year old C weaning!
Adora @ Gingerbreadmum recently posted…Warm Up to Frozen!
Thanks Adora!
Hi Angeline
I just came across this post. Yes, very belated, I know.
But I had to leave you a message here. Because reading it felt like revisiting one of the darkest and most helpless and desperate periods of my life too. The long 3D2N labour, the mangled nipples who couldn’t bear coming into contact with any fabric, the stubborn refusal to give up breastfeeding – they all sounded so familiar! So, all I want to say is, you were not alone. To have gone through all that and continue breastfeeding for so long, Alicia is blessed to have you as her mom! Hugs!!
I just realised my comment never got published! Even more belated! Thanks for your kind words and your encouragement!! We all become stronger pp after having children!
An excellent narration of experience by ‘simplymommie’ and kudos to her. Most of us have one or the other problems she went through. For almost twelve years I breastfed my five biological children and co-nursed those of my co-wife / sister-wife and occasionally of two of my friends. Their were periods of tandem and triandum nursing with their challenges and schedules. Belonging to a family where full-term breastfeeding and child-led weaning are norms this hasn’t been a big deal. But by my own experience, I have learnt that there is a also a very special dimension of relationship between a mother’s breasts and her children. It is not merely feeding or nursing for comfort but a relationship of being a part of each other. Although I am now dry for the last one year or so, my youngest one (three years) regularly dry-nurses before going to sleep in the night and even in between if he wakes up from a bad dream.). My daughter (now over 7) after returning from school often drags me to a room, closes it from inside and snuggles into my breasts for some minutes. I still leak milk if any of my children causes excitement by bad or good event. Earlier I used to sometimes get worried whether all this is normal or happens to others as well, but from discreet enquiries I have learnt that similar things happen to other mothers and their children too.
Amazing, Uzra!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. Amazing!
I had just gave birth to my second baby. I am so determine to breastfeed him as I never had the chance to do it for my first baby due to no supply. This time round, I really wanted to do it so much. However, baby has jaundice and it doesnt seems to get lower. I have to bring baby to hospital for blood test every now and then. Dr said it might be due to what goes into my breast milk that caused his jaundice never come down. I have to stop all my herbal soups. I am still in confinement. FyI, my baby is just 10 days old now. Dr also said it might be because i dont have enough supply to feed my baby. When he doesnt feed enough, his jaundice wilk never come down. This makes me so worry that i now mix feed him with formula. By doing so, my supply get lesser and baby doesnt seems want to latch anymore. It may be bottle feed is faster since i intro formula to him. Can you please advise what can I do to have more supply? Can I just continue to pump and not latch to have more supply?
Hank you in advance.
Hi Pauline, first of all, congrats on your new bundle of joy! If u can’t latch your baby now, continue to pump diligently as you would feed your baby (I.e. Every 2-3 hours). That’d signal to your body to increase milk supply. I expressed exclusively in the first month because my daughter didn’t know how to latch on and only learnt to do so in the second month. So you don’t have to give up because baby isn’t taking well to the breast. As long as you want to continue breastfeeding, you can still improve/keep your supply stable by expressing frequently. Drink lots of fluids and eat well and try to get sufficient rest. All these will help as well. ๐
Jaundice level should get lower in a few days after you don’t breastfeed if it’s a case of insufficient supply. My boy was warded for high jaundice levels too so I can understand your concerns. Meanwhile just diligently express milk to build up supply. All the best!
Thank you for advice..
It really meant alot to me… I thought my supply will slowly diminish if I never latch my baby. I feel so much confident now that I will continue to have supply even I pump it. Thanks for the assurance!
No problem! Am glad to have encouraged you in your bfding journey!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful story. I was all tears and smiles in the mrt as I read with memories of how I started my own breastfeeding journey. The questioning & staring mil, the cracked & bleeding nips, the visit to lactation consultant, the blocked ducts… Gosh.. All so familiar. I’m still struggling with having ample supply everyday as my first born nears her 9-month mark.. I asked myself, “just 9 months?” You’ll be my inspiration to keep going!
I love this! If I could have written my story, it would be like yours (although i’m only 1 baby in at 12 months). Thank you for your strength and courage. Mommies are amazin!
Thank you Amy! All the best on your breastfeeding journey! I’ve stopped breastfeeding after 7 years – you can read it here in this post:
Hi Angie, thank you for taking the time to share this part of your mommy journey.
My first daughter is 10months old and I’ve been wondering if I could get pregnant while still maintaining my breastfeeding with her. I have heard that breastfeeding can increase the chances of miscarriages. Wondering if you have any input about that?
Hi, yes, you can still get pregnant while breastfeeding. I was breastfeeding when I got pregnant!
Breastfeeding may bring on contractions which is why you should keep latching sessions short. I limited each session to no more than 5 minutes to be safe.
Extended breastfeeding can be such a fulfilling journey, offering numerous benefits for both mother and child. It fosters a deep bond and provides ongoing nutritional and emotional support. Your story highlights the importance of following your instincts and making choices that are best for your family, regardless of societal norms or pressures. It’s inspiring to hear about your commitment and the positive impact it had on your child’s development.