#WW – Toilet training (success?)

There’s actually a red James too… but it’s being washed πŸ™‚

Ok, I’m not the kind that celebrates new underwear on the blog or social media platforms. But these? These are special, and definitely deserve a mention!

So guess who’s switched to these cool undies? πŸ™‚

Going to the toilet comes so naturally to subsequent children that we’ve skipped the entire potty stage and proceeded to the big toilet immediately, even without the extra kiddy toilet seat. Well, no matter how it’s done, we’re really glad that he’s reached a major milestone pretty quickly! It’s been just slightly more than a week from the first time I decided to start this with him. And he survived an afternoon out with no accidents yesterday (phew!)

Ooh and he’s super happy with his new briefs! πŸ˜€ I’m so glad I managed to get his favourite Thomas and friends range!! And though these are a little loose – they are the smallest briefs I could find (meant for 3-4years old) – he totally adores them.

#achievementunlocked @ 2 years 3.5 months

Linking up with:

My Little Drummer Boys

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4 Responses to #WW – Toilet training (success?)

  1. Amila says:

    Its interesting to see that you are successful with training kids,Still I am with a newborn,but interested on reading these types of articles to get ready to train him

  2. Ai Sakura says:

    Yay well done!! No need to spend on diapers anymore hahaha
    Ai Sakura recently posted…Blog Makeover 2014 | What I Did and WhyMy Profile

    • simplymommie says:

      Well, not quite since he still needs diapers on for naps and at night. πŸ™‚ Looking forward to completely diaper-free days (and nights)!

  3. Tamara says:

    great pants. I love the Thomas theme you have going on.
    Tamara recently posted…Wordless Wednesday 5 FebruaryMy Profile

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