For the second day of advent, I set up an invitation to create foam Christmas stockings:

The setup – glue, foam shape stickers, an assortment of embellishments, glitter glue and cotton balls (not shown in photo)
It’s really interesting what the kids choose to do with the invitation to create. In this instance, my boy was only interested in using glue and embellishments.
My girl on the other hand, chose to only work with foam stickers.
It was the first time that I had set out glue with cotton buds for application for an activity. Needless to say, it captivated my boy for the entire session.
In fact, I think he was just interested in applying glue all over the foam stocking and watching how the glue drips off the cotton bud, the marks he could make on the foam with the glue. He didn’t like how the glue made his fingers sticky though.
After they declared they were more or less done with their decorations, I brought out the glitter glue and they basically went crazy with it. Thankfully, the bottles aren’t particularly easy to squeeze the glitter glue out as there’s less than half of the glitter glue left in both bottles so there wasn’t much damage done.

Completed stockings hanging up at our kitchen!
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