Little town sight words game

little town sight words game

It’s taken me a almost a couple of months to get this post up! I actually made this little town with my little girl a few weeks after Term 2 of school started (it’s the last week of term 2 now!). I’m a great procrastinator, I know. Anyway, so basically we recycled our sticky board which we had last used for our Valentine’s Day-themed February calendar. We stuck a piece of butcher paper over it and got her to plan out her town (my hubby worked through this part of town planning with her). Now it wasn’t that easy to get her to understand that what she’s planning is based on the bird’s eye view of the place so there were certainly a lot of processes that went through that little brain to put this little town sight words game together.

After she drew in the rough sketch, we worked on pasting coloured tissue paper on the edges where there was supposed to be grass on another day. Then we outlined the places, drew in parking lots for the cars where we stuck post-its with sight words written on them.


Basically, you could do this game too without going through all the trouble of creating a town and just have a carpark by drawing the lots. But knowing my daughter, if it doesn’t appeal to her, then the idea will not work then there’s no point at all. With the little town she created, she was so excited to ‘drive’ the cars into the lots.

To play the game, she’d either ‘drive’ the car into a lot which has the sight word which I called out or she’d announce that the car would be driving into the lot with a sight word which she has decided on. We played with a total of 12 words per session (there are 6 parking lots) to ensure that she could focus well.


We had great fun with this (this was the best shot I got that was least blur), though little boy has since spilled a bottle of water all over it, destroying the lines she’s drawn with the markers. Hopefully we can restore it to a condition that still looks aesthetically appealing enough to her!

Here’s a link to teaching sight words which looks pretty interesting!:

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