Christmas Countdown Day #9 – Q-tip snowflakes

Q tip snowflake craft

I know we’ve been really late in getting this Q-tip snowflakes craft done, but you know with the weekend rush, and I went into cooking overdrive these couple of days, some things just get left undone! Nevertheless, we finally got it done and here’s how to put this simple craft together. You may have noticed that I’ve selected rather simple crafts with minimal or easy-to-get supplies so that most people would be able to join us in doing our advent activities this year πŸ™‚

We started the activity with cutting the Q tips:

Q tip snowflake craft

Q tip snowflake craft

A wonderful fine motor skill activity for training up those finger muscles

Q tip snowflake craft

A completed snowflake

After we were done with one snowflake, she had other plans:


And she made a snowflake ‘flower’, complete with stem and leaves.

Q tip snowflake craft

And then it was just experimenting with how white glue looks like on the blue paper:

Q tip snowflake craft

And more ideas from her – coating the Q tip with gold glitter glue:


So we dotted the snowflake with gold glitter glue:

Q tip snowflake craft

Q tip snowflake craft

Examining the gold glitter on the Q-tip

I think you’d have realised by now that I usually let her take the lead for each activity. Most times, she has other ideas about how the activity should turn out and it really doesn’t matter whether we get a really nice sheet of paper filled with Q-tip snowflakes. It’s the process that matters and I really love her display of curiosity and creativity each time! πŸ™‚

View the original source of inspiration here.

Do check out the full list of advent activitiesΒ I’ve planned for the year here.


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6 Responses to Christmas Countdown Day #9 – Q-tip snowflakes

  1. How fun ! I love that you let her take the lead and come up with her own ideas. The gold glitter paint adds a beautiful element to the artwork, and is a great way to extend the activity. You have quite the little artist ! πŸ™‚
    Sharon@DiscoverExploreLearn recently posted…Reindeer HatMy Profile

    • simplymommie says:

      Thanks for the inspiration to create the Q-tip snowflake! πŸ™‚ I love how your crafts are always so simple to put together and can be so easily enjoyed by children!

  2. Beth says:

    Your snowflakes are BEAUTIFUL! Very clever! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I look forward to seeing what you link up tomorrow!!

    Beth =-)

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