Christmas Countdown Day #11 – Paper plate angel

Paper plate angel

For this paper plate angel, all you’d need are a paper plate, a pair of scissors, a pen and any embellishments of your choice.

You’d need to mark out some lines on the inside of the paper plate (refer to the original source of inspiration for this paper plate angel here if you can’t figure it out from my picture below), cut along the lines then turn it over and this is what you should see:

Paper plate angel

Drawing in the details:

Paper plate angel

First thing she did was to draw in the face:


I’d given her her favourite glitter glue to work with but instead she asked me to cut a couple of stars out from a stray piece of corrugated cardboard I had lying around and since we were on shapes, and she wasn’t really interested in the glitter glue for this craft, we went with geometric shapes foam stickers instead.


So while she took out each foam shape sticker, we talked about the shape, size and the colour of the sticker she had chosen. I tried to have this conversation in Chinese too, but I was stumped when she took out a trapezium – I think I’d need to check out the translation on my iPhone first. 😛


After completing the pasting of the foam stickers, I brought the lower ends of the angel’s dress and stapled them together and ta-da! – that’s our paper plate angel!

Paper plate angelYou may want to try not to paste too many things on the wings as it makes the paper plate angel unstable – otherwise it should be able to stand without toppling after stapling the dress together.


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