The great influence of older siblings

I have an older brother and I think I sort of emulated him in many aspects because he was you know, the big brother. I can’t remember though when I started to copy everything he did, but my little boy is showing me how early that can start, and how great the influence of older siblings can be.

Little Alex just turned 13 months two days back and in my post about my little baby painting as one of the activities he did in that month, I mentioned that he couldn’t make very visible marks with the pencil which was why I let him paint instead.

But yesterday! Yesterday, he showed me that he could. He crawled/ toddled to the room where his sister sometimes doodles, and sat himself down, took a colour pencil and started doodling on one of her activity books.

What surprised me most was not that he could sit down for such an activity; it was his deliberate attempt to hold the colour pencil well. I was truly impressed by his pencil grip, not that it’s fully correct, but for a 13-month-old who’s never ever been taught to hold a pencil (I don’t think anyone teaches a toddler that young to hold a pencil!), I think he’s doing very well. 🙂

Last night when his sister was doing some activity book, he insisted on joining in, and so we gave him a notebook and a pencil:

I think he likes the whole idea of sitting down at the table to do work, like his big sister. Even better, he got to sit there to ‘write’ when she was there too! That must have made inflated his baby ego a fair bit. 🙂

Of course there are things that he picks up from his sister that are hardly positive, but this I-can-sit-at-the-table-and-hold-a-pencil-to-write-though-I’m-13-months-old stint is way beyond my imagination. Truly, the influence of older siblings is great!


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5 Responses to The great influence of older siblings

  1. So cute! your son looks so earnest!

    yes, they love to feel bigger than they really are huh?
    littlebluebottle recently posted…ICT replacement stint for fathers?My Profile

    • simplymommie says:

      yup, he does and he always looks soooo proud of himself when he’s sitting at the table, even if he’s doing nothing… hahaha.

  2. Ai Sakura says:

    lovely little milestone and great that he has his older sis to guide and encourage him 🙂
    Ai Sakura recently posted…My 30 before 30 ListMy Profile

  3. What a good achievement at 13 months. My boy can’t stay still at the table for more than 5 mins. Maybe I need to give him more training.
    Jolin | The Js Arena recently posted…I Heart Cheerios with MiloMy Profile

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