Goodbye, stereotypical Dad

I read The Blogfather’s post about Making Fathers look bad (update: link has been removed) and concurred that too often, attention is given to Moms as the only nurturing caregiver, neglecting the dad’s role in the family.

How often do you actually see dads being in the limelight?

In my post today, I would like to share with you a precious moment I captured which I think encapsulates the sort of love a father has for his child, a tender moment which puts all stereotypes of dads being the laid-back, unimportant one at home to rest.

Do you also have a non-stereotypical dad in your home?

For dads, it’d be wonderful to hear your thoughts on this matter!

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5 Responses to Goodbye, stereotypical Dad

  1. Mama Dominique says:

    Am not sure if R qualifies as a non-stereotype dad. He is one who will come home and help to cook dinner if I am busy with the kids. Also helps with the housework and monitors the kids work . We take turn to have 1-1 with each kid.

  2. Winston Tay says:

    I have to say, being a non-stereotypical dad takes some effort, and a major mindset change, too. But with your own child as inspiration, it’s something a man will put all his mind and soul into without complaint.

    But I guess the image of an active father is not easy to sell.
    Winston Tay recently posted…Making Fathers Look BadMy Profile

  3. Yups, over here we are well proud of our papa. Both confinement nannies said they had not seen a more involved father. 🙂 Our own little ode here.
    littlebluebottle recently posted…Bamboo baby chairsMy Profile

  4. Are blogging Dads consider non-stereotype, we are in tune with our soft side haha 🙂
    I cannot cook, barely wash the laundry, but I wash the utensils and dry the clothes.

    I am always happy to let my Mrs take all the credit 🙂
    SengkangBabies recently posted…Picasa collage funMy Profile

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