Crab Sheng Mian (Crispy Noodles)

On very lazy days, I like to cook one-dish meals so it saves me time and effort and everyone still gets a home-cooked meal. I was feeling exceptionally lazy and wasn’t intending to cook at all on Thursday actually but my mum came over to my place with two big crabs which she brought back from my aunt’s birthday party the previous night. How could I reject crabs? Now, no one ever rejects crabs.

crabsSo no matter how lazy or busy I was, the motivation to cook suddenly overcame me to think how to fit the crabs into my menu.

Mum suggested cooking my favourite luffa with crab – something she cooks for me when she has crab on hand – but she couldn’t get any luffa that morning, she said. So that was out. Then she suggested some soups which I could just add the crab meat to. But my mind was heading to the one-dish meals section in my brain, the lazy cook I was that day – I just wasn’t in the usual 3-dishes-1-soup meal frame of mind.

And then it came to me moments before I left the house to send Alicia to school – I shall attempt to cook sheng mian (crispy noodles)! I’d seen a picture of it on my friend’s facebook status just a few days back and it did look tantalising.

On the way back home, I got my most essential ingredient – sheng mian –  from the dried goods stall at the wet market.

Later in the afternoon, I steamed the crabs then proceeded to remove the crab meat. It was a tough job, especially when I didn’t have the right tool to crack the hard shell of the pincers, but it was all well worth it.

Sheng Mian (crispy noodles) – serves 2 adults + 1 preschooler
Sheng mian (Crispy noodle) recipe

Crab Sheng Mian (Crispy Noodles)
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 3
  • 3 pieces of sheng mian
  • crab meat from 2 crabs (see note 1)
  • leafy vegetables (I used baby shanghai green), rinse and separate into individual stalks
  • 6 fresh shitake mushrooms, clean and remove stem
  • 1 small carrot, sliced
  • 3 pcs baby corn, slice diagonally into half or thirds
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 eggs, beaten - but don't beat too finely, so that the egg white will still be visible and you have two colours instead of just yellow after cooking
  • 2 pieces fishcake, sliced
  • 1 packet fishballs, optional
  • about 800ml stock (homemade or store-bought)
  • Cornflour + water
  • 3-4 tablespoons Oyster/ Abalone Sauce
  • Fish sauce to taste
  1. Add oil to the wok and fry garlic till fragrant.
  2. Add the carrot, corn, mushrooms. Stir-fry for a couple of minutes then add the leafy vegetables and fishcake.
  3. Add the stock and bring to a simmer. If adding fishballs, add them in at this step.
  4. Add the seasoning to taste and thicken to a gravy using the cornflour solution.
  5. Swirl egg in, turn fire off and cover the wok for 5 minutes for the egg to set.
  6. Place sheng mian in a deeper plate and dish gravy over the noodles. Top with steamed crab meat.
  7. Serve immediately.
You can stir-fry chicken fillet pieces or pork slices or assorted seafood together with the other ingredients to substitute crab meat.

Add more or less gravy to the sheng mian, depending on how crispy you want it to be.

For toddlers' serving: cut the noodles into shorter segments and cut the ingredients into bite-size pieces. Or stew the noodles instead.

Here’s my version of sheng mian which I topped with succulent crab meat for the adult portion while my girl had fishballs added.

crispy noodles kids

My girl’s portion

Click for a complete directory of one-dish meals (complete with thumb nails) on the blog.

For more fish & seafood recipes, do check out the Fish & Seafood section in this blog for a complete directory of recipes (with thumbnails).

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This entry was posted in Food for kids, Noodles/ Pasta, Recipes for the family, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Crab Sheng Mian (Crispy Noodles)

  1. Luna Miranda says:

    i don’t remember ever saying “no” to crabs and noodles.:p
    this noodle dish looks absolutely delicious!
    Luna Miranda recently posted…Bluer than blue/SWFMy Profile

  2. Mama Dominique says:

    The dish looks so yummy.

  3. maiylah says:

    oooh, absolutely delicious! I haven’t tried cooking them myself (too lazy, lol); you make it look so easy!

    thanks you so much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday 🙂
    enjoy your weekend!
    maiylah recently posted…Food FridayMy Profile

  4. Iska says:

    I don’t say no to crabs as well 🙂
    That looks really delicious! And I love crispy noodles!
    Iska recently posted…Salisbury SteakMy Profile

  5. Oh my Crab!!!! 😀
    Food Trip Friday recently posted…FTF#187: ChopsueyMy Profile

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