Not sure if you remember, I went on a long long hiatus from my blog since I was pregnant with Alex and only regained my blogging mojo not long ago. Hence, plenty of my homelearning with Alicia was documented only on my Facebook page but not my blog.
I decided that I would try my best to compile what we have done over the months, though for obvious reasons, I may not have in the first place documented everything we did, in case it may seem very little to you. ๐
We did quite a bit of cutting and pasting during that period of time because she really loved that. So, try to observe what your child likes and leverage on that when you do home learning.
I have decided that instead of placing all that we did into one post, I will break it down into different posts and you can refer to all my learning Chinese posts at one click. All future posts will be linked there too so it’d be a one-stop station for sharing my teaching of Chinese at home. ๐
Stay tuned!