I’ve been wanting to make fingerpaint for Alicia for the longest time and finally got down to it last Wednesday!
Here’s the link to the recipe for making the paint (I used the recipe for the cornstarch fingerpaint).
It just so happened that I was preparing Shanghai green for dinner that day and Alicia came running to the kitchen at that point when I chopped off the base of the veggie. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was preparing vegetables for dinner and handed her one of the ‘beautiful roses’ (don’t you think it looks like a rose?). It was then that it struck me that this was a perfect day to finally make the fingerpaint!
And so I got to work and made about 3 porcelain soup spoons of 6 colours (total 18 porcelain soup spoons worth of fingerpaint):
Set up as above
And the painting begins!
Happy girl smiling for the cam
Posing again, upon mummy’s request
And after she got tired of the veggie, she started to use her hand…. one hand at first…
Check out my hand!
ok, I wrote her name…
And when she got really comfortable with the paint, she started using BOTH hands….
Look at the glee in her expression…
Slathering the paint on herself as if it’s lotion…
Totally enjoying herself…
You can see that she had much fun with the fingerpaints – I guess it’s the texture of the paint which is different from say, poster colour. The cornstarch really does make it feel oh so squishy and almost like a lotion – no wonder she started applying the paint on herself! LOL.
Have fun, and don’t be too bothered by the mess – it really is very simple to clean up – took me less than 5 min to wipe the table after giving her a good bath. 🙂