My sis-in-law bought this book for Alicia some time back but because I felt that she wasn’t ready for it then, I just placed it on Alicia’s bookshelf, awaiting the day that she’d be mature enough to make use of the book properly.
A few days back, Alicia was rummaging through her bookshelf and she took this book and told me she wanted to read it.
This is really quite a good buy as it’s only about $2 from Popular bookstore (was on special offer) and it has stickers of pictures and words which the child is supposed to stick on the right pages.
The format of the book: on one page, there is the picture of the object and on the other, the word.
The child is supposed to stick the picture and word accordingly. See pic below:
Alicia associating the real object with what she sees in the book
Listening attentively to instructions
Having fun pasting the stickers
Alright, she had more fun with the picture stickers than the words and her attention span only allowed us to go through 3-4 words before she moved on to something else…. kids… 😛
This book is one of the six in the series so if you’re interested, hop by Popular bookstore to check it out! 🙂