My blogshop: Simply Mommie’s Precious Handmades

I finally went about doing up the blogshop site and you can take a look at the collection of handmade learning aids I make. My learning aids are all over the place in my blog so I’ve decided to place them together in another site for easy viewing (and purchase, of course).
These learning aids are all original and handcrafted by me and hence, with the amount of labour (all the cutting gives me a sore and an almost-blistered right hand!) and time that go into the learning aids (not to mention the cost price of laminating pouches, original ink cartridges for printing, velcro etc.), they do not come, well, cheap.
Nevertheless, if you can see past the fact that the learning aids are just laminated pieces of paper that have been made visually appealing, you would be able to appreciate and recognise the creativity and the love that went into making them. πŸ™‚
Happy shopping. πŸ™‚
Here’s a print-screen shot of my blogshop:

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2 Responses to My blogshop: Simply Mommie’s Precious Handmades

  1. I have started to make learning materials for my boy and agree it involves lots of labour and hard work. Good things should not come cheap. πŸ™‚

    All the best in your new blogshop!

  2. Angie says:

    Thanks MieVee! πŸ™‚

    I set up the blogshop for fun actually. The profit-margin isn't high at all so it's really just for the experience.

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