Alicia’s 2nd birthday! (Part II)

We had a birthday celebration for Alicia at my mum’s place on Sat evening. She had a celebration in school in the late morning, came back home for lunch and bath and had her beauty sleep then went off for another celebration! πŸ˜› She’s been in high spirits since her birthday! It’s sooo heartwarming for us to see her so happy and cheerful!
Here’s her Classic D24 birthday cake from Emicakes:

We chose a panda face for her since it resembles Kungfu Panda πŸ˜›

This time the Princess got to blow out her candles properly πŸ™‚

Singing the birthday song with the ‘singing birthday cake

Alicia’s 2! πŸ˜›

Alicia shares the same birth date as my cousin, so I ordered a set of cupcakes for him as well:

Blowing out his candles – 13 years old! πŸ˜›


The durian’s still frozen!
Mummy! Help to cut too!

The birthday gal in her pretty birthday dress

She insisted on sitting on the table with the birthday cake and cupcakes

Poke the eye!

Cupcakes again? πŸ˜›

I just want the fish!

chomp chomp!
hee… πŸ˜›
I just love the pretty toppings on the cupcakes
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2 Responses to Alicia’s 2nd birthday! (Part II)

  1. MamaJ says:

    Hi there, dropping by from myplayschool's site. πŸ™‚ Happy birthday to your little girl! πŸ™‚ Both cakes looked simply scrumptious!

    From another SAHM πŸ™‚

  2. Angie says:

    Hi MamaJ! Dropped by your site too… it's awesome to know that you're trying to do up your dissertation while looking after a toddler… I don't have the energy or courage to embark on such a big project πŸ™‚

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