
Alicia woke up early from her nap on Tuesday so we brought her out in the evening. We decided to bring her to Sands since we’ve not gone there before… anyway, here are some of the photos I took that day when we were out!
Btw, the parking fee’s exorbitant! $10! eeks…
Off we go! ๐Ÿ™‚

The mischievous one…

Mummy, I wanna swim here…!

The interesting landscaping within the shopping area – not many shops are opened yet but the concept is intriguing nevertheless… especially for Alicia!


Special feature at the top floor of the shopping area

Scenery taken from the top floor

What the resort’s supposed to look like upon completion…

The view of the hotels… stellar eh?

Trying to capture a proper photo of her with her hat…
obviously I failed.

The lobby of the hotel

This can really move! Saw the hotel staff driving guests around the hotel in it…

Just had to take a picture of these lights at the lift lobby…

Playing peekaboo… ๐Ÿ™‚

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