Days of the Week learning aid – made by Grandma! :)

Learning aid made with love by my mum for Alicia!
Checking out her new learning aid while still in her pjs… πŸ˜›

Trying to read!
She pointed at “Saturday” and told me – “purple”!
How clever of her to name the colour of the paper! πŸ™‚

Hee… I’m gonna pull it off from the door…

This set of learning aids was made by my mum and I laminated it and put it up for Alicia. I say made with lots of love because I saw that she actually used a black marker to ‘colour’ the individual letters because I think the printing wasn’t good and she didn’t want to ask for a re-print (she doesn’t have a printer at home and must have asked someone to do it for her). Thanks Mum! πŸ™‚ Only a loving mum and an endearing grandma would do that!
It’s really in time for Alicia’s learning as recently she’s been watching Youtube videos and one of the videos she watches on a regular basis is the Days of the Week! Hence I just need to sing the days of the week to the tune and she can quickly identify what I’m singing! πŸ™‚
Here’s the video (link provided in case the embedded one doesn’t load properly):
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