The letter A Lapbook

I did up this lapbook for the letter A earlier and I forgot to blog about it. Essentially a lapbook works like portfolio, showcasing what has been done. For older kids, it serves its purpose as a revision tool – well, for young kids like Alicia, it’s a great way to store all the things that I’ve prepared for her and I can take it out for her to ‘revise’ too!
This is the cover of the lapbook (I used a normal cardboard file, and that’s her first fingerpainting pic that was done at home):

Here’s what it looks like when you open the file:

I stuck an envelope (to contain the word-pic matching cards) to the top left of the file with glue.
The alligator puzzle has one piece with a velcro attachment so that when not in use, I’d just tie up the pieces and attach the puzzle to the file.
The apple tree puzzle also has a velcro attachment behind so that it can be easily stored and removed from the file.
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2 Responses to The letter A Lapbook

  1. sarah says:

    Where do you get just this upper and lower case alphabet worksheet as above picture you posted?

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