The JG Lessons – Tue (24/11)

On the 2nd day of JG class, Alicia was still behaved and slightly less wary of the surroundings. She sat still during story time and was friendly with the puppet of the day – three little blue birds in their nest.

Art for the day was painting with a feather. This was messier than Day 1 as I was splattered with paint by both Alicia’s feather as well as other kids’ feathers. Nevertheless, I let Alicia fiddle with both colours and do some painting before bringing her to clean up in the toilet next door. She splashed some paint on her face and lips even but becoz the paint’s non-toxic, I wasn’t worried at all. I just had to clean her up a little more than the day before. 🙂

Outdoor play was sandplay and this was a new experience for Alicia as we have never let her touch sand before. The instructors had prepared 3 sand pits (of varying textures of sand) for the children to play in. Since Alicia was new to sand, we went to the sand pit for beginners. Even then, Alicia didn’t like the sand and after sitting in the sand for awhile, she climbed out of the pit and clung on to me. I put her back in several times but each time she climbed out and clung on to my neck. Finally she cried so I decided to let her just watch the others play with sand. We have decided to bring her to the beach some time this December to let her experience sand again…

Overall, the second day at JG was less stressful for me than the first day as I knew exactly what to expect. I really like the lessons at JG!

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