My darling’s got the flu bug and I brought her to another doctor today because the medicine from the other doctor wasn’t working and her flu got worse since Thursday. It’s really heart-wrenching to see her suffering from this flu and sometimes it really gets to me because she’s so super grouchy and whiny and just cries all of a sudden. She’s not been eating well since Tuesday and for the past couple of days, she hardly ate anything except the muesli and apple muffins I baked and Gerber stars. I know it isn’t exactly healthy to give her snacks now but doctor says it’s better than nothing and just give her whatever she likes to eat now and make sure she’s hydrated.
This loss of appetite has caused her weight to fall quite drastically. I’m so upset. On Thursday when we weighed her at the first doctor’s clinic, she’d lost 200g. Today when we weighed her, she lost another 200g. You might be giggling at my silly obsession with a mere 200-400grams. That’s not much in comparison to our weight, but really, it’s quite a fraction of hers since she’s so light-weight and takes like forever to put on 100g.
Actually I was mentally prepared for the figure I saw on the scale today because I weighed her yesterday on my own at home by taking [the total weight (mine and hers) – my weight]. I’m really sad because she takes so long to put on weight but loses weight so easily during an illness. Thank God she hardly falls ill… Hubby told me to stop worrying about such unimportant things and concentrate on the big picture of getting her well. I know that. But I can’t help but dwell on it sometimes because I had taken great pains to help her put on weight. And now, it’s all gone…
Anyway, yesterday she agreed to take some sweet potato porridge (she ate 1/3 bowl) and we were already overjoyed that she’s finally eating a little. Here’s a picture of her porridge I cooked using the small Tanyu claypot for her dinner tonight.
It’s back to the basics – sweet potato porridge!
I hope she eats it and her appetite is better after her long nap. She’s been sleeping for 5hrs since she took her medicine – I guess it’s because the medicine causes drowsiness. Let’s hope and pray that my little one gets better quickly and gets her appetite back before she loses more weight!
What do you cook or do for your kid when s/he is ill?
your porridge looks so delicious! did u used short grain rice?
btw, do u give alicia yogurt? i tried giving jumpy few days ago but she didnt seem to like it after 1 taste.. im planning to give it to her again by adding some fruits eg banana which is her fav so far.. dunno if she will take to it..
Thanks for your compliment. 🙂 She ate a bit of it (hubby managed to feed her 15 small spoons)after much persuasion…
Nope, I used normal Thai long-grain rice today.
I tried yogurt when she was 10 mths i think. Then again at 11 mths. Chk out my previous posts? 🙂
how do u prepare the yogurt? plain? she likes it? jumpy tasted it but then she refused to take more after the 1st taste..
Initially I fed her the yogurt on its own but she didn't like it so I added fruit in but she still refused to eat it.
Subsequently (a mth later from the first time I intro yogurt), I gave her another brand of yogurt and she liked it for a short while…
hmm ok.. i tried it today with papaya n she didnt like it as well..
im thinking of thinning it with water n then add fruits inside to make it as a drink(smoothie) next time n see how…
Sounds yummy!! Actually last time when we were eating adult yogurt, she ate some and loved it. hee… just wonder if we should just give her that instead of her yucky baby yogurt. Keep throwing away the tubs of yogurt…
bb yogurt? i gave her adult's yogurt (plain).. u gave her those with sugar? i wonder if its cos of the sour taste tat makes jumpy hate it.. if so, even those sweet yogurt might be impossible. even adding fruit also impossible lol. since none of these can get the yogurt taste off.. shall slowly experiment..
Both times I intro yogurt to her are bb yogurt (Baby Yoplait and Petit Miam). But when she was eating Petit Miam, I was eating my own yogurt so just let her have some of it… i think yogurt's an acquired taste: I also took very long to like it so I'm not surprised that my picky eater doesn't like it…